Monday, February 9, 2009

Interesting facts!

How bad am I? Im stealing this straight from the Twilight Lexicon website! But at least Im crediting it all to them.

They have been at the Chicago twilight Convention (If only I lived there...) and have collected some interesting and really random facts about some of the actors in twilight:

Justin Chon:
-Has his own
retail store
-He loves to surf
-He is in an upcoming movie with Harrison Ford called
Crossing Over.
-Has a great smile, and is thrilled to talk to fans
Ashley Greene:
-Loves shopping just about as much as Alice does
-Most embarrassing moment on set was hitting a cameraman with a pitch…twice
-Had picked out Alice’s prom dress because originally the Cullens were at the prom
-Has a great, genuine bubbly personality, and was really sweet to all the fans
Peter Facinelli:
-Pronounces his last name the Italian way with the “C” sounding like a “CH”
-Sent Catherine Hardwicke a vampire book after his audition as a thank you even though he originally didn’t get the part
-He has read all four Saga novels and so has Jennie Garth, and they are big fans.
-He is every bit as dazzling (not to mention completely gracious) in real-life as Edward is in the books, not that we were having trouble concentrating or holding on to the power of speech or anything.
Ha Im still laughing at the fact Ashely hit a cameraman twice!
So dont be surprised if I steal more stuff of the Twilight Lexicon site becasue they have extensive coverage of the whole convention and I have none...

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