Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why is Chris Weitz the new director?

"Looks like the people who want more of Edward Cullen in New Moon will be getting their wish. Reportedly, part of the reason that Catherine Hardwicke was let go from directing New Moon is that she wanted time to make a a faithful translation of the book. That’s because Rosenberg’s script, which has already been delivered, finds a way to put a lot more Robert Pattinson on the screen:

The problem that stalled negotiations was that Hardwicke had strong opinions about what to do with the next installment, and so did Summit. The debate was how to focus the adaptation of the second book, which deals more with giant werewolves than vampires, as well as the long depression of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), after her vampire lover (Rob Pattinson) leaves her. One issue was how to get more of teen heartthrob Pattinson into the film. (Rosenberg has figured out a device to achieve this.) But Hardwicke, burned out from her “Twilight” labors, simply wasn’t willing to jam this movie with a script that still needed months of development.

So exactly what is this “device” that Rosenberg has figured out? I’m thinking lots and lots of dream sequences or flashbacks. Or maybe a spirit guide.I’m torn–though I’d love to see more of Edward in the next installment, I also want a faithful translation to the big screen. Indications point towards less-faithful, more-Edward with Hardwicke leaving the project."

Im all for more Edward myself, but I would really prefer it they kept the movie as close as possible to the book. I understand that Bella's depressed state for the majority of the book isn't going to bring people into the theater, but just making flashbacks of Edward isn't going to bring all the loyal fans in (well a second time at least) Which is really silly becasue its the loyal, hard core twilight fans that are bringing in all the money for them. I think they should show a bit of her depressed (at least 15 mins of it) becasue that's what the majority of the book is, and then throw in some of the flash backs they want, and maybe even a few or the dreams she has after he leaves. And then spend the rest of the time focusing on the cool parts. Like the start and Bella's birthday and Jacob and Bella and the Volturi! I'm really excited about the Volturi, It was the best part of the book by far so fingers cross it is the best part of the movie!

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