Thursday, January 22, 2009

Twilight is not evil but Cyrus is!

Its been proven! Whats been proven? The fact that Miley Cyrus is more evil that Twilight. Like we ever doubted that...

One of the writes at E! online got this question posted to them:

My best friend and I are arguing over who is more evil. The categories are the Jonas Brothers, Zach Efron, Miley Cyrus, or Twilight. So who do you think is more evil?

And her reply was this:

Technically, dear, the term would be most evil. If the contest were pared down to, say, Miley Cyrus vs. Twilight—which it should be—then the term would be more evil.

Now, the analysis: As much as you may despise the Jonas Brothers, they really do try to be nice, and they love them some Jesus, and they clean up before every public appearance, and they put on ties, and they say terribly sweet things to reporters. Let's leave them to their treacle.

Zac Efron, meanwhile, never really says anything, so we have nothing to nail him on.
That leaves Miley Cyrus and the sparkling vampires...

The vampires, while irksome, do not technically exist, except in the febrile minds of the nation's teenage girls. That leaves us with Cyrus, who talks way too loud and tells the same story over and over about how she used to run a one-kid cleaning service.


And I agree with this lady! Well not about the vampires being irksome part, but the Miley Cyrus = EVIL!!! part.

1 comment:

  1. i saw tht the other day and was like hehe amber will like that
