Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Even smart people read twilight!

Need a laugh? Well Steven Levitt is a best-selling author, he wrote the book Freakonomics and is also a somewhat famous UChicago professor. Well this famous and really smart man has blogged about reading Twilight! and in the friggin NY Times! Well I guess that even world-famous influential economists can be Twilightened:

"Although I will say I was somewhat disappointed with the book, an outside observer would laugh at that description, given that I read it in less than a week. My kids would remind me that I told them they would have to make their own dinner because I had to finish the book to find out whether Bella would turn into a vampire or not. I guess the fact that I ordered the other three books in the series from Amazon also gives me away...

Now we just need to figure out how to work some vampires into SuperFreakonomics to boost our sales."

Well what does that say for us fangirls? Will we be able to keep some part of our brain for other things twilight related? Well if a brainiac with a PhD can, so can we! Maybe we should tell him to join Twilight Moms! Thanks to for the article/blog.

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