Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Interpreting twilight two!

You know you have a sad life when you spend the only free time you have searching for pictures to do with twilight on the net just so you can make fun of them...

Any who its entertaining for me and you so that's all that matters! On with the show:

F you too KStew! (Ha that rhymes!)
Chris: "I wonder how many points if I knocked him down.."
Random Lady: "5!!!"
After seeing this picture I bet many fan girls will be more than willing to help you do up your shirt. Well Guess what Rob, Im not like any of those other girls! I wouldn't dare do up those shirt buttons... I would undo the rest of them *Wink, wink*
"Taylor phone home..."
Kristen: "Ewww! Ashley, that's gross!"
Ashley: "I know..." *Is disappointed with herself*
Dakota: *Learns the way of the twilighters and is wondering why they are on the roof*
Look everyone!!! Its the mythical Edward Emu!

1 comment:

  1. here's a funny edward cullen hair article:
