Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Twilight: Three Wolf Moon
I love that Three Wolf Moon shirt. And girls would so act like that if he had one on. Trust me...
Friday, December 11, 2009
Twilight ass pinching wars!

Rob: "*PINCH* YAYAYAYAY! Finally! Someone pinched me *squee* So what if the person who pinched me wasn't desirable" Megan: "Whats desirable?" Rob: "Shhh Fox, big kids talking. But hey I don't care who does it now as long as they do it, it could even be Chuck Norris!" Trust me Rob you would care if Chuck Norris pinched you.

Bella-Bar! Whiny and pathetic with a hint of bitch. Sold in all good stores*
*Only sold to smoking hot vampires named Edward with the ability to read minds.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My apology
I know its been ages since I last updated. Over 2 months!!! And Im really really really really really really (X about 37) sorry! But I was just having a little 'moment'. Harry Potter 6 came out in the movies, and I'm just about (but not quite) a bigger fan of HP as I am to Twilight. School finally caught up to me *eye roll*. Quite a few family issues and well as much as a hate to say this, I got sick of twilight *wince* And before you all bash me listen to my explanation. Its not the books or the movies I got sick of, it was all the 'news'. There's nothing 'newsy' to it. Its just "Taylor Lautner rides a quad bike" Wow. No ones ever done that before... "Kristen Stewart smoking" Again, its not like only the stars do that, my grandad smokes. Does that mean he should be posted on tons of websites? No. And I'm sorry if this sounds pathetic but it just pissed me off! Now I know that I said this blog would no longer be posted with up to date news quite a while ago, but its really hard to keep a popular blog about twilight without posting some news in it. And Instead of sucking it up and keep on posting I just gave up, and yes I know that wasn't the best idea but it happened and I'm sorry guys! Now Im not looking for forgiveness of any kind but I'm just explaining myself to you, my awesome followers! And I hope you wont all cyberbully me for this.
Now I will be trying to post more things on this blog but Im not promising anything OK So dont be surprised if it takes me another 2 months to post somthing. But I will promise to try my hardest to post somthing every opportunity I get!
Thank you for reading this,
Amber (AKA The girl who has been been mind raped by twilight) :D
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

And dont we all know it!
Finally a touch of truth in Twilight!
They learnt it all from Ross!
And by C/E they actually mean Carlisle/Amber....
I wouldn't want to be in forks... Washington... USA... The northern hemisphere at that time!
*Prepares the chips to cook on his greasy, hot hair* MuahaHAHA!
Younger readers please divert your eyes!!!
Well we know that's a lie...
Well now you can look again! :D

We would all be in so much trouble...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hunt for the Clearwaters!
Screen caps!

OH HOT DAM!!! (it seems like I say that alot these days...)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Harry Vs Edward

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
If you are looking at this, you have made a great choice.

Kristen Stewart showed her ghetto booty in Twilight, I guess she had to in New Moon too...

What is Rob doing? Why is he doing that to her? Why not me? WHY?!?!... Im cool.

All the other girls flock to him why should Kristen be any different.

This reminds me of a romance cover, and I know my romance covers ;)

Now children this is what we call 'dry-humping'

There's nothing smart I can say here, my brains turned to mush.
The suspense! I cant wait till New Moon!
Even balding men think this is hot!
I... He... Shirt... Not on... Steamy .... *Mumbles unintelligent things for about 10 minutes*
He is definitely the hot brooding type!

"Yeah I've been pumping so much iron that I dont even feel it anymore"

Look at Kristen's leg... kinky


Um Kristen you might want to fix that hair people might think you've just been.. Oh wait. Never mind.

"Ahhh Kristen your turning into one of them! A fan girl..."



Doing the bump?

Bella looks like shes tripping (In a non-gangster "Im tripping fo you" sort of way but an actual falling down sort of tripping) Classic Bella! And good thing to have in the movie.
The moon is shining today ;)
That is all I can handle for today (To much New Moon excitement makes me feel weird) But if this is not nearly enough for you head to one of these sites:
And well pretty much any other page to do with twilight!