"Hello ladies!!! I must say you are looking very fine today Ashley! Can we take a picture together so I can show Rob that I am now sexier than him?... What?!! Its true..."
"Whatever Taylor! I will always be the one woman love. They just lust over you."

KStew *pinch* Niki *pinch* Kellan *pinch* hell even Catherine's going in for it!

"Jackson: "Kellan use to grab mine..." Justin: "I'm popular!"

"KStew: "YAY! I get to stand next to Taylor!" Niki: "*:(* I wanted to be next to him!" Ash: "I don't know what you're complaining about there are two other girls between me and him!" Kel: "I'm soooo not touching his arse. And I soooo don't know its firmer than robs..." Jackson: "Maybe if I get close enough Kellan will pinch me!"


"Kellan: "OK guys on the count of three pinch. 1, 2, 3 *PINCH!*" Rob: "I refuse to pinch others! You should all be pinching ME!!!!" Jackson: "Oh how I have missed your pinches Kellan!""

"NOO! Kellan used to grab my ass! Once upon a time they all did... Well at least I still have this trendy velvet couch... Oi bitch give me back my Tinkerbell book, I was reading it! *snatches book back and gazes at Taylors pinchable bum...*

"I can't take this anymore! Someone please just pinch me! Anyone... I'm not picky anymore."
Rob: "*PINCH* YAYAYAYAY! Finally! Someone pinched me *squee* So what if the person who pinched me wasn't desirable" Megan: "Whats desirable?" Rob: "Shhh Fox, big kids talking. But hey I don't care who does it now as long as they do it, it could even be Chuck Norris!" Trust me Rob you would care if Chuck Norris pinched you.
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