This months feature story for Vogue magazine is about Stephenie Meyer!
The stories really long so if you want to read it all I warn you it might take you longer than you think.
But here's little hint of it:
"I had always told myself stories my whole life and assumed that everyone does," Meyer says. "You know, it's funny; in Jane Eyre, which is something I've read 40 million times, there's this scene where she shows Rochester her paintings. And she explains that in her head it was so different. And Rochester replies that she captured just a wisp of what she was seeing. I used to paint, and I won a few watercolor contests, but I could never get it to look exactly like it did in my head. But with writing, I discovered I could get it to look exactly like it did in my head."
Which is why Twilight, especially, as well as its sequels, is not a horror book but a good old-fashioned romance. There are vampires, and they are wicked quick and excel in killing animals in the woods, which assuages somewhat their hunger for teenage humans. But that's mostly offstage. Twilight takes place in a teenage fermata, an emotional arena that is, for many young girls, simultaneously imaginary and absolutely real. And the boy, by the way, is completely intoxicated with the girl. The courtship is everything, a prolonged ecstasy, because once consummated, the relationship will change, like, totally.
She also mentions somthing about Midnight sun:
A more interesting and controversial story is the fifth book in the Twilight saga, a version of the first book told from Edward's perspective. It was leaked last year by a source still unidentified onto the Internet, all but about six pages. It was a huge blow. "Now I'm over it," she says, "but I feel really distanced from the project. It was oddly devastating." Although she is currently taking a break, she may continue the Twilight story, but she seems wary of books in series. "I'm experiencing, I think, a little bit of stage fright at this point."
Aww dont be afraid SM! We all love you. You could never do wrong in the eyes of us fangirls!!
You can read the whole article here. I would actually recommended reading this one, I even learnt some new stuff from it!
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