Have a great day twilight fans!
I hope all the girls that wished for Edward Cullen as a christmas gift got him! But clones of him... We don't want edward to be chopped into small parts so everyone can get a part of him...
I love that Three Wolf Moon shirt. And girls would so act like that if he had one on. Trust me...
Rob: "*PINCH* YAYAYAYAY! Finally! Someone pinched me *squee* So what if the person who pinched me wasn't desirable" Megan: "Whats desirable?" Rob: "Shhh Fox, big kids talking. But hey I don't care who does it now as long as they do it, it could even be Chuck Norris!" Trust me Rob you would care if Chuck Norris pinched you.
Bella-Bar! Whiny and pathetic with a hint of bitch. Sold in all good stores*
*Only sold to smoking hot vampires named Edward with the ability to read minds.